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FAQ - English & Grammar Articles

FAQ - English & Grammar

How to use Question Marks

But what is a question mark, and how do we use them? Do all written questions end with one?

Scott Laughlin
Scott Laughlin
Updated July 30, 2024
FAQ - English & Grammar

What Is a Thesis Statement? Definition and Examples.

What is a thesis statement? Get the definition, examples, and required elements, and learn how to structure a strong thesis statement.

Andrew Miller
Andrew Miller
Updated July 30, 2024
FAQ - English & Grammar

What Is Figurative Language? Definition, Examples, and Types.

What is figurative language? Get the definition and examples, and explore the various types of figurative language, including simile, metaphor, and hyperbole.

Andrew Miller
Andrew Miller
Updated July 30, 2024
FAQ - English & Grammar

What Is Alliteration? Examples of Alliteration

What is alliteration? Get the definition and examples, and learn more about the difference between alliteration, consonance, and assonance.

Andrew Miller
Andrew Miller
Updated July 30, 2024
FAQ - English & Grammar

Onomatopoeia Definition and Examples

Onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it's describing. When you come across an onomatopoetic word, you can hear the sound of the word that is described.

Scott Laughlin
Scott Laughlin
Updated June 6, 2024
FAQ - English & Grammar

What Is a Metaphor? Definition and Examples

A metaphor draws a direct comparison between two seemingly unrelated ideas. Used in many forms of writing as well as other forms of creative expression, metaphors can add meaning.

Tom Xu
Tom Xu
Updated June 6, 2024
FAQ - English & Grammar

What Is a Synonym? Definition and Examples

What is a synonym? Get the definition and examples of synonyms found in various parts of speech, and learn why writers use them and where to find them.

Andrew Miller
Andrew Miller
Updated June 6, 2024
FAQ - English & Grammar

What Is an Adverb? Definition and Examples

What is an adverb? Get the definition and examples, and learn more about the various types of adverbs as well as where to place them in a sentence

Andrew Miller
Andrew Miller
Updated June 6, 2024
FAQ - English & Grammar

What is a hyphen

We use hyphens when two or more words combine to create a compound word with a new meaning. For instance...

Scott Laughlin
Scott Laughlin
Updated June 6, 2024
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