Education is constantly evolving. New policies, curricula and research studies are circulated everyday, and it can be difficult to figure out what’s relevant and important. Since so much of our information today is gathered online, we’ve created a digital space for educators and learners to exchange ideas, news and other related content.
Simply put, the mode is a numerical value that tells you which number, or even numbers, occurs the most frequently in a data set. Here's how to find the mode.
Your grade point average, or GPA, is an integral part of your experience at school. It’s something that students and teachers have to deal with.
There are different ways of calculating the P Value. But the easiest, most common method—and the one we’ll look at right now—is using the chi-square.
There are two types of standard deviations: population standard deviation and sample standard deviation. Both measure the degree of dispersion in a set.
The range is a mathematical tool that’s used in finding the spread in a data set. It’s easy to calculate. If you’re trying to find the range of a data set (or you’re being asked to find it), all you..
How do you find the area of a shape? Learn the formula for finding the area of various 2D geometric shapes, and find equation examples.
Square footage is the measurement of space that covers an area. It’s often used to determine the amount of floor space in a home. Knowing the square footage also comes in handy during painting, tiling
A percentage error provides an easy-to-understand measure of error margins. It lets you know how big an error is.
Let’s look at how to perform matrix multiplication between a matrix and a scalar number, vector, or matrix.