Let's work together so you don't have to worry about getting your homework done on time, preparing for the next test or learning enough to keep up with what is expected by the classroom teacher. If you are in Kindergarten and worried about learning your letter sounds, I can help.. What about elementary students? Do you need help reading well enough to finish a book report? Middle school students who are lost trying to prepare for so many tests at once , I can help. I tutor students to become independent learners, capable of taking on the responsibility of being in school.
Learning Challenges such as ADD, Dyslexia, Auditory Processing Difficulties can cause students to feel different because they cannot keep up with the class. They want to do well in school and fit in with their friends. I can help.
As a UCLA trained behavioral modification therapist I worked with families who had children with autism for over 10 years. I currently help these children academically while handling challenging behaviors. If your child has a teacher, then I can help them keep up with what she expects from them.
Call me and let's get to know one another.
University of Southern California
Business Administration
Social Studies